Revista "MathTime"
Scris: Joi Ian 13, 2011 4:00 am
De aici puteti descarca gratuit revista "MathTime". Singura conditie e sa fiti membrii ai forumului. Pana la data de 1.02.2011 se vor completa toate sectiunile revistei. Asteptam parerile voastre despre revista pe forum!
From here you can download for free the mathematical magazine "MathTime". The only condition is that you are a member of this forum. Until 1.02.2011 all sections will be completed. We are waiting for your opinions on the forum!
From here you can download for free the mathematical magazine "MathTime". The only condition is that you are a member of this forum. Until 1.02.2011 all sections will be completed. We are waiting for your opinions on the forum!